
Showing posts from March, 2019

Why do you Need Lipstick Boxes for your Lipsticks

Where have you put my lipstick? No, I just put it on the table. How did it just broke? I don’t know. Well, these are some of the things that happen when you either keep your product open or you just fell them accidentally. If your problems are really close enough to these as how your color got dry, what made it cracked etc. etc. Trust me these were my worries too before putting the lipstick in proper lipstick packaging boxes. Here in this blog, I tried to cover all I could to share some of the ideas to make your lipstick boxes secure and safe from other physical damages. Stick with me till the end to distinguish what I meant by proper custom lipstick boxes. I get to know what and how a perfect type of lipstick packaging looks like when I have practically seen a perfect custom lipstick packaging boxes that were gifted to me by a really close friend of mine.  I will share that as well so that you could get the idea of how delicately and beautifully that was wrapped and serv...